Friday, January 23, 2009

Start of the New Year!

Ok so what has happened in the last few weeks?
I of course had to have to emergency procedures LOL no seriously the first one was a emergency root canal because an old filling broke on my molar and also the tooth started to break so a piece of tooth was stuck in my gums and had to go get it out and a also get a root canal to go with it. As that was not enough, I decided while I was already on antibiotics I might as well have a gallbladder attack and go under the knife once again. Well I thought I was feeling better from my tooth and went to costco for a yummy hot dog within minutes I was in severe pain. I tried to hold up for 6 hours trying everything to feel better finally I asked Joe to take me to the ER and of course they kept me for a bad gallbladder with lots of stones. The next morning I had surgery and was released to come home same day. So once again I am recovering slowly.

As for the rest of the family everyone is healthy and happy. Kylie had to miss a couple of days this week because of a high fever but she is doing fine other than that she was fine. Hoping neither of the boys get sick, but all is well just waiting for some more storm from the latest storm.

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